Avon Catalog Request

Avon catalog requests are just a simple click away!

Get your FREE Avon Brochure by Mail

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How do I get an Avon catalog?

There are 2 ways to receive a free Avon brochure:

  1. Place any size online order and ADD a free Avon brochure to your cart at checkout! It will be noted on the right-hand side of the checkout page. You must click on it to add it to your cart. OR click HERE 
  2. You can place an Avon catalog request through me! Click the image below to request your FREE Avon Brochure by mail.

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In the meantime, did you know you can flip through the entire Avon brochure online? Check out these quick navigation instructions:

  • Navigate to the Avon site HERE 
  • Hover over Digital Catalog, then click on Shop the Brochure
  • Pick a Brochure or Special Sales Flyer and view it page by page
  • To view a different one, click on the pink down-arrow in the upper left corner of page, and select a different brochure.


How often do new Avon catalogs come out?

  • New Avon brochures are released every 2 weeks.
  • Each brochure is called a Campaign.
  • Each Campaign changes every other Tuesday.


You might also be interested in:

  • Enter the March “Relax & Revive” Sweepstakes HERE 
  • Browse or Shop HERE 
  • Join Avon for FREE 


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