Top 20 Tips to Sell Avon


Increase Your Sales with these Top 20 Tips to Sell Avon

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Whether you’re a brand new Avon representative, a seasoned Avon rep, or simply contemplating becoming an Avon rep – here’s a list of top 20 tips to sell Avon that will drive profit right into your pocket and help kickstart your Avon business!

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Top 20 Tips to Sell Avon

Here are my top 20 tips to sell Avon that will increase your profits and grow your customer list so that you can make more money as an Avon representative:

  1. Ensure you can be found as an Avon rep! Under your AvonNow account profile, ensure you have the flag for “Let customers & recruits find me online” set to Enrolled.
  2. Personalize you Avon eStore! Add a photo of yourself, contact information, delivery information, links to your social media accounts, then pick and choose your estore widgets. People like to know who they’re shopping with, so make it a more personal experience.
  3. Introduce yourself as an Avon rep! In person as well as online through your social media accounts – ensure people know you’re a representative.
  4. Set a ‘working schedule’ for yourself and stick to it! Whether it’s 1 hour per week or 8 hours per day – plan your schedule and WORK IT for results!
  5. Have a launch party! It can be an online OR in-person event. Make your enthusiasm and personality contagious. Ask your friends and family (warm market) to bring a friend or two, to help expand your reach.
  6. Ensure your very FIRST ORDER is at least $60! You will earn a FREE full size product (currently the Physiogel Daily Moisture Face Cream, valued at $52!), FREE 135 lip balms (yes I said 135!!!), AND a $10 credit to be used towards your second order.
  7. Use your new incentives to build and incentivize your customer list! Get creative with how you use your FREE lip balms. Use them as a promotional item with purchase, hold a raffle, sell in a bundle, create cute gift bags – the list of ideas is endless! Don’t forget to use your Physiogel Daily Moisture Face Cream then share how much you love it! Your infectious enthusiasm will help drive sales.
  8. Set up a Facebook Business Page! Personal profiles shouldn’t be used as a marketing tool. It’s not only NOT ALLOWED by Facebook rules, but your friend list won’t appreciate being sold to. Use your new business page as your means of advertising your new business and to funnel people from your cold market towards your warm market. Invite people to LIKE your new page, then work hard at offering VALUE to attract new followers. Ensure you keep a good balance of 3-P’s: Personality, Purposeful value, Promotional content so that you’re not just shouting BUY, BUY, BUY from me.
  9. Be a walking, talking billboard of Avon! Wear the products – then share that it’s Avon when someone compliments how fabulous you look! Then hand them a brochure and/or a sample.
  10. Carry brochures and samples with you ALWAYS! Because when tip #9 happens, you’ll be prepared! And don’t forget to ask for their contact info so you can FOLLOW UP (see tip next tip!)
  11. FIITFU! Your Fortune Is In The Follow Up! Always get a prospective customer’s contact information so that you can follow up with them. Follow up: after you give them a new brochure or samples, before an order due date, after delivering an order to them – always FOLLOW UP!
  12. Build a grocery store list! Avon sells a huge assortment of products that we already use in our everyday life. When your normal supply runs low, restock it using Avon products. Shampoo, toothpaste, laundry detergent, hand soap, hand lotion, body lotion, soap, home cleaning products and more.
  13. Hold a fundraiser! You can use Avon’s fundraiser flyer or use the entire brochure to sell from. The choice is yours on how to set it up, run it and what percentage you’re going to give to the organization. But know that you’ll be increasing your award sales which will help you qualify for all sorts of things, as well as reaching an entire HUGE market of new clients that will hopefully purchase from you again in the future and in which you can funnel towards your warm market.
  14. Keep an eye on all the incentives Avon offers! There are a wide range of incentives, from short-term and relatively simple to longer-term, you-need-to-work-hard-to-attain incentives! These incentives are a win-win for your business. By working hard to achieve them, you’ll not only reap the reward (i.e. the Incentive!), but you’ll also be increasing your business and earnings by attaining the incentive. And… that will help drive future business, because eventually those new customers will repurchase.
  15. Don’t try to “sell”, but instead ask how you can help solve a problem for someone! People don’t like to be “sold” to, but they will love being offered suggestions to helping solve a problem they are trying to fix.
  16. Share the monthly Avon Sweepstakes! No purchase is required to enter, so share it with everyone. When they enter using your link, their contact information will be stored in YOUR Avon address book, which you can use for future follow up.
  17. Be authentic! Don’t try to imitate someone else’s success. By being authentically YOU, you will attract your ideal client and your tribe. Then nurture your tribe by offering VALUE. Help them solve problems. Don’t sell!
  18. Set up a profile on Google My Business (and keep it active!). This is 100% FREE advertising for you and one of the top ways someone will be searching for an Avon rep near them.
  19. Network with others! Find like-minded people that share similar hobbies, interests or goals and get to know them. They could be future customers OR help connect you with other people OR help you learn new ways to help your business OR all of these things!
  20. Recruit and build a team! Learning, growing and building your business is WAY more fun with a friend. Recruit a friend and learn together. Then continue to grow your team to earn additional commissions and bonuses.

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I hope this list of top 20 Tips to Sell Avon inspires you to reach all your goals and beyond.

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